Thursday, December 29, 2016

A Little Farm Work

Being a #farmingwife, for the most part, is a joy!  We've had a couple babies this week and that is always fun!  The first was born on Christmas day and the second on the night of the 27th....  
I try to always take a pic of momma and baby when they are first born so that I have another record, then we try to get them ear tagged within a few days so that we can identify them quickly if need be.  
 This is the little girl who was born on Christmas Day.....
 Unfortunately, my photography skills are not always the best, this was the second little girl born.... Not that you can tell.
 Here she later in the day....
 This was this morning before we got them up and about to tag them, Such a lovely picture of momma and baby.

 This little girl was pretty easy to catch and tag, she is, thankfully, pretty calm!
 The wind is blowing in the Great State of Oklahoma and the cedar trees are pollinating!  Those things cause trouble for my handsome husband and his nose!

 It's 52 degrees and sunny but the north wind has a bite to it!  We're walking the pasture looking for the other little calf....
 After walking a long ways momma, who had been eating cubes, noticed that we were in the vicinity of her calf and came running.  She stopped and mooed and turned circles and looked one way then the other and mooed some more.  We stood and watched her to see if she would lead us to her baby, but she wasn't giving in.  I finally spotted the little girl buried in the grass not far away from me but opposite of where momma was looking!  Momma was trying to throw us off course!

Can you see her?
We had just about given up!  The grass sure conceals them and she's a pretty tiny girl!

 Mr. H sneaked up and grabbed her right before she took off and I got her ear tagged and we were done!
 Pretty calm baby too, she didn't head for the hills when Mr. H let go of her!
 She didn't care for the tag, kept shaking her head trying to get rid of it! On a side note, the sky is cool in the next couple pictures!

Finally she went to momma for comfort!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Exercising Your Right To Carry, A Ladies Viewpoint for Ladies Jan. 2017 Corridor Article

“A strong body makes the mind strong.  As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun.  While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind.  Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind.  Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” Thomas Jefferson, 1785, in a letter to his nephew concerning what Jefferson considered the best form of exercise
I have several passions; one of the most important is firearms.  I love shooting, I love buying guns, I love talking about them, and I love exercising my right to carry.  I started carrying a pistol in my purse when I was roughly nineteen years old.  I was opening and closing my family’s business and taking large sums of cash to the bank by myself.  My Grandpa Gene insisted I start carrying. 

My first carry firearm was a Colt 1911; big, bulky, but oh so sweet to shoot.  I carried my Colt in a Coronado Leather purse that was made specifically for carrying a firearm.  I kept my purse hidden in a desk drawer in my office so no one could get to it.
Around 2008, while working in my families sporting goods store, I noticed more and more ladies coming in wanting to purchase firearms for self-protection.  I also noticed that, while I was not an expert, some of these ladies had absolutely no idea what they were doing!   That was a little scary to me, so I decided I would see what I could do to improve that for some.  My husband and I are now NRA and CLEET certified instructor and have had the pleasure of instructing tons of ladies in the art of firearm. 
I also noticed, starting around the same time, that more and more companies were making firearms and firearm related products targeted at women.   Women competition shooters started to get more and more attention, and shooting classes, taught by and for women, became the norm.
Now, back to how and what I carry.  As you recall, I mentioned I started carrying in a purse.  If you know me, I know what you are thinking:  “Wow, Missy, you are a huge advocate of on body carry but you really started carrying in a purse?”  Short story, there was a customer, who was on some kind of drugs, who was pretty adamant about taking me to lunch in my shiny red convertible.   Thankfully nothing bad happened, my uncle was standing there and had my back, but that incident made me realize that I had to get my firearm on my body and carry it everywhere every day, it was doing me no good tucked away in a drawer where I couldn’t immediately get to it! 
When you decide you want to start carrying a firearm on your body it takes some work figuring it out, and it is possible you will have to change the way you dress to accommodate said firearm.  You will possibly have to buy a different firearm, and many holsters, until you find what “fits” you.  For me there wasn’t a lot of changing.  I wore jeans and t-shirts most of the time and I do not tuck in my shirts.  My first on body carry was a revolver carried in a pocket holster in my pocket.  That worked well for the most part but was not always the best.  Ladies jeans are not known for having very large pockets.  I later found an inside the waist leather holster that I carried right over my appendix and for the most part that is still my go to carry location every day carry. 

I often get asked what my every day carry, or EDC, is, and how I carry it.  My normal answer is, “depends.”  It depends because I have at least 4 pistols that I can choose from to carry.  A small S&W Bodyguard in a .38 special revolver, a small Ruger LCP .380, a S&W M&P9C, which is a compact 9 mm, and a full size S&W M&P 9mm.  The decision on what I carry on a particular day is, what am I doing, what am I wearing, and where am I going?  If I’m working outside on the farm, odds are I will carry my full size 9mm in an outside the waist holster, that makes it easier to get to if I were to need it.  I don’t always want someone to know that I’m carrying, so when that is the case I will carry my Ruger LCP in an inside the waist holster.  It is super compact and very easy to conceal.  I mostly carry my M&P9C during the winter when I’m wearing more layers.  It disappears easily and I don’t have to worry about it showing.
On the note of what holster do I use, well, again, “it depends”.  My favorite for my smaller guns is a soft leather inside the waist holster.  It is not bulky, it has a heavy clip for attaching to waist bands, and conceals nicely.  If I am not worried about the outline of my firearm showing I have a great CrossBreed holster that I use for my M&P9C and for open carry I have a dependable Fobus paddle holster which isn’t pretty, but is functional.
Now since this is the Health and Wellness Issue of The Corridor let’s talk about exercising and carrying.  You can exercise your right to carry while you are exercising.  I normally carry my Ruger LCP in a Bulldog Belly Band when I walk or jog or if I’m at the gym.  Just for kicks I decided to see if I could carry a larger gun while running a 5K.  I positioned my M&P9C just behind my right hip in my belly band, about the four o’clock position, put on my skin tight workout pants, doned a t-shirt, and ran.  It was comfortable, it did not slip, and I felt safe running around the park with no buddy.  
Are you working out at the gym or doing something other than walking/jogging/running?  Again, the belly band works great because it can be moved around your waist.  You can position it so that your firearm is on your hip at the three o’clock position and do situps, move it to the one o’clock position and you can do what needs done on your side. 
A couple pet peeves of ladies and firearm.  First, DO NOT let your husband, boyfriend, dad, uncle, brother, or anyone else pick out your firearm for you.  You can let them pay for it but not pick it out.  Your hands are different, your fingers sometimes shorter, and what feels good to them may not feel good to you.  Most ladies love shopping, so go shopping for your own firearm.  Find a store that will let you handle the firearm and if possible rent a few different ones and shoot them.  Second, try-try-try to find a firearm that you will carry on your body and not leave at home, in your car, or in a purse.  The reason I do not like purse carry is there is too many things that can happen to your purse.  Have you ever accidently left your purse in a booth at a restaurant?  Have you ever left it sitting in the shopping cart while you turned your back to look at a product on the shelf?  Has anyone ever tried stealing your purse off your shoulder?  Those are just a few reasons not to carry your firearm in your purse.  If purse carry is the absolutely only way you can find to carry your firearm, well, that is better than leaving it at home. 
Here are a few pointers on carrying in your purse.  1) Find a purse that has a pocket just for your pistol.  There are many companies making “conceal carry purses” that have special pockets, or find a purse you like that just has a pocket you can slip your firearm in.  2) Always put your firearm in a holster in your purse.  Things like lipstick and ink pens can get in the trigger guard and be wedged around and pull the trigger.  3) If your firearm is in your purse do not let go of it.  Do not put it in the shopping cart, do not set it in the booth next to you, do not set it on the floor while you try on that cute pair of shoes.   It is best if you can find a purse that can be carried across your body because is easier to keep up with and harder for someone to walk past and rip off your arm.  Also, do not ever leave your purse accessible to young ones, there are too many scenarios that could and have gone very badly.  
In closing, go find that great gun shop along the Corridor, purchase a firearm and holster you like, find a gun class and get up to speed on your firearm and start exercising your right to carry.  You are responsible for your personal protection and the protection of your family, don’t depend on anyone else.

If you want more questions or are interested in classes, you can connect with me on facebook at
 *Mr. H. got me this awesome outside the waist holster for Christmas.  I'm in love!  I've never found a holster that I can comfortably carry outside the waist but this one is awesome and so pretty!  Check out Gungoddess for great goodies for the ladies and a few things for the guys......

Sunday, December 4, 2016

St. Wenceslaus Church, Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague

*December 2016 Corridor Article 
That is how I felt as Cecilia Hecker was giving me a private tour of the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church in Prague, home of the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus.  The St. Wenceslaus Church of Prague dates back to 1899 but The Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague only dates back to 1947.  At that time, the church had again outgrown its current location and was in need of a new building, but funds were limited and things were in a holding pattern.  It’s said that Father George V. Johnson, while walking up and down the aisle of the Church praying The Divine Office, caught sight of the Infant Jesus of Prague statue and promised the Infant Jesus that he would make a new church a Shrine to the Infant Jesus of Prague if the Infant would help him get a new church built.  Donations started rolling in from locals and folks across the United States and the church was dedicated in February of 1949.  After completion of the church the Father then traveled to Rome to gain permission to make the Church into a Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague.  “The More You Honor Me, The More I Will Bless You”, has become the centerpiece of world-wide devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague.

When you walk into the church the first thing you will see on the south wall is a beautiful stain glass piece of the St. Wenceslaus, the only surviving piece after a tornado went through and destroyed the church in 1919.  

The windows throughout the church are stained glass and depict the history of the devotion of the Infant Jesus. 

Behind the pulpit you will see the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague.  The statue is dressed in colors according to the Church liturgical calendar.  You can view the different gowns for the infant just off the sanctuary.  There are several gowns, each made and donated to the Shrine by people from all over the world.  Some are very elaborate with beads painstakingly sewn on by hand, while others are elegantly simple.
Another thing the Church is proud of is the three relics located at the front of the sanctuary.  The relics of the Holy Cross, the Holy Manger, and St. Wenceslaus and St. John the Great are preserved with an air of veneration as a tangible memorial. 
When visiting the outside of the Shrine you can walk through a stations garden that holds statues depicting the life of Christ.  At the end of the walk you can sit and meditate over the beautiful granite fountain depicting the empty tomb that was created and sculpted in Rome and is an exclusive at the National Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague.  Also, outside is a small garden and fountain along a covered walkway dedicated to Saint Francis.  On the south side of the church is a peaceful Mother’s Garden dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.   A covered table with benches provides a great place to sit and meditate or just escape from the outside world, while listening to the sounds of the rain fountain. 

For those of you with youngsters in the family, there is a great place to let the kiddos run off a bit of energy before getting back into the car for your next destination along The Corridor.  The playground is designed to allow the children a learning experience.  The setup follows the format of the Infant Jesus Chaplet.  There are twelve round pads circling the playground equipment representing the twelve beads on the Chaplet.  Each pad represents one of the stages of Christ’s Infancy and Childhood.
The Church is currently in the season of Advent.  Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas Eve and is the preparation of the coming of Christ, the first coming, or birth of Christ, and also the anticipation of the second coming of Christ.   The church uses a wreath with three purple and one pink candles to represent each week of Advent.  A life size nativity is located in front of the church with an empty manger.  The baby Jesus will be added on Christmas Eve to begin the Christmas season. 
The season of Christmas starts on Christmas Eve and runs through Epiphany, the feast of the arrival of the wise men, which is January 6.  A friend of mine, Jerry Suva, recalls one St. Wenceslaus priest, Fr. Joachim Spexarth, now at St. Gregory’s Abbey/University, who really took this to heart.  Suva says, “There would be a few lights and an empty crΓ¨che, (nativity), out front during December, but that was *all*.  Then come Christmas Eve, the church would be decked out like Griswold’s.  He really wanted to emphasize the waiting and the celebrating of Jesus’ arrival.   This same priest, had a knack for emphasizing the humanity of Jesus, that he was real, had relationships with Mary, Joseph, cousins, townsfolk.   Fr. Joachim explained the reason for having a shrine that commemorates Jesus in His infant form is exactly the same reason why the shepherds and the Magi traveled to see the baby Jesus.  He was real, so real that he was otherwise an infant child just like the rest of us.  Even as an infant He was God and our savior.  He was made flesh and dwelt among us.  That’s what visiting the Shrine should remind us.”   Suva, who often served as an Altar Boy at the church, also stated that because the midnight mass Christmas Eve service was always packed, they would arrive thirty minutes early, during that time the choir sings carols before.  He said “it was really, *really* Christmas then.”

            Along with the many other Christmas traditions of the Church, they have Christmas Bell Trees.  Bells can be purchased in honor of loved ones, alive or deceased, and the bells and names are hung on a tree.  The names are remembered at the Shrine during Mass and Novena prayers during the month of December. 

            The church also holds a yearly holiday bazar featuring local artists and crafters. This year it is December 10 from 8am to 12pm.
            To learn the history of the St. Wenceslaus Church, Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague and of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague, which dates back more than four hundred years, go visit the church, it will be worth your time.  Hours for the Shrine office and gift shop are Monday thru Friday 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday 12 pm to 3pm.  If you visit during these hours the staff will be happy to take you on a tour.  If not visiting during these hours, brochures are available to take you on a self-guided tour. 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Cowboying; A Day in the Life of Me, the Cowgirl....

Am I a cowboy(girl)?  First you have to ask what is a cowboy(girl).
Websters definition:
1) One who tends cattle or horses; especially: a usually mounted cattle-ranch hand
2) A rodeo performer
3) One having qualities (as recklessness, aggressiveness, or independence) popularly associated with cowboys as a: a reckless driver b: a business or buisnessperson operating in an uncontrolled or unregulated manner
Second, I check myself.  Hum, yes, I tend cattle, not mounted unless you count a tractor/pickup as a mount, but I tend them none the less.
So, I decided today that I am a cowboy(girl).  Why you ask..... Here's why

  First off, this morning we had to take this pretty girl to the vet.  Several weeks ago I noticed she had a knot on her nose, like she was trying to grow a unicorn horn, which would have been awesome and I would have been rich if she would have grown that horn.  Well, life happens and time flies and she was still eating and drinking good so I put off making the call to taker her to visit Doc.
Doc shaved her nose and found a tiny hole.  He stuck a pair of tweezers in said hole and it goes pretty deep.  His diagnosis was .22 bullet wound to the head. πŸ˜” He flushed it out with something and called her good to go, nothing he could do for her.  So, took her back to the lease and dumped her out.  And yes, we have an idea about the .22 shot but I will not be delving into that.....
 Now, I had dumped 75 pounds of feed out for these girls and boys about 2 hours earlier, but they thought since I was there they needed more.  Silly bovine.....
 My pretty baby girl born to #89 (who is missing her tag)  SURPRISE!!!!!!!!  I had looked at my book a couple weeks earlier and didn't expect anyone to calve until after the first of the year, alas, I was wrong.  This momma calved Jan 29, 2016 and again November 29, 2016.  Normally it is right at a year between calving but this momma bred back quick after calving!  We are sure blessed!
Another pretty little girl, her momma is #21.  She was a surprise because I didn't think I had anyone due to calve until after the first of the year.  I was wrong, I went back and looked at my book and her momma calved one year ago within 2 days of when she calved this time.... Perfect!
Oreo is the biggest snoop looking for treats!  

After visiting Doc, dumping #76 back out, visiting the bovine (I take care of the bovine during the week and Mr. H doesn't get to look at how great they are very often so we just stood and watched them a while), and checking hay, we headed home.  It was pushing noon and we had not taken time for breakfast and were getting hungry!  

Got home and noticed that my Spotsy Love was missing, he had been with the girls when we left this morning but wasn't now.  I got concerned and decided to go look for him.   
 Well, I headed to the pond first, I had some nagging suspicion he would be there, and this is what I saw :(  Spotsy burried deep in the mud.  Lord help us.... Called Mr. H and asked him to bring me a rope and my rubber boots.....
A little history; I had stupidly let him get drug down a little with worms (I'm guessing) so earlier in the week I had vaccinated and wormed him and brought him to the home from the lease so I could watch him closer and feed him extra....  He was looking better but still not 100% so he was already pretty low on energy and this deal zapped him even more.  πŸ˜Ÿ
 Waiting.  Last time I had a calf stuck in the pond I lost a rubber boot and got stuck myself.  Mr. H had to pull me out with a rope after the calf was free, crazy stuff around here.....
Mr. H brought what I needed along with the tractor and we put the halter rope on the dude and pulled him out, woo, I did not sink or lose any boots this time.  Unfortunately, he was cold and stiff and a bit dehydrated and would not get up.  πŸ˜Ÿ We managed, with the help of the tractor, to get him pulled up off the mud and into the grass.  I called my great friend and mentor Trish and told her the deal and asked her advice and then got to work getting him up and going.... Her advice was cover him with blankets to get him started warming up, IV him with really warm lactating ringers, give him a shot of B12, and get him on his feet as quickly as possible.  Then, get him into a dry, warm area.
 Got him covered head to tail, warming up.  Trish said to cover his head so his breath would help warm him.  Makes since, he's blowing warm air out, why not take advantage of it.
 Before starting the ringers we had to push him over so his right side was exposed, that's where it has to go in at..... Got him pushed over and started.....
 I had heated the IV of ringers in some really hot water so that the liquid in the bag was warm and would work on warming his insides up a little quicker....
 Using our heads.  What fun is it to stand and hold an IV bag until it's drained?  NONE!  So, hooked it to the front end loader.....
 Warming baby boy up.
 Yes, he's my baby, my Spotsy Love.
 I'm pretty sure he was not amused with the blanket.  Anyway, we got him hydrated and B12 shot and he still wouldn't get up or even try.  Mr. H decided to go get a pallet to roll him on and haul him to the house with the tractor.....
 I got a little dirty and no, I'm not scared of a little mud.....
 Thankful for rubber boots!!!!!!!!!!!
 Pep Talk..... πŸ‘Come on dude, get up, you don't want to ride the pallet to the house!!!!!
 WOO HOO!!!! Praise the Lord!  We used a tow strap and ran under him and lifted him with the front end loader, fixing to slide the pallet under him.  He decided he'd put his legs down and walk!  He walked all the way to the house on his own!  I guess the threat of a ride on the tractor did the trick!  So So thankful he walked on his own, that makes me feel much better about his recovery!
got him in the shed, covered him back up with his blanket, gave him some feed and water and a nice pile of hay and left him to shower and find some grub.  It is now 2:30 pm and we are cold and starving!  
    Kudos to my amazing husband for helping and being the muscle I needed!
      It is now 6:30 pm and I just checked Spotsy and he is standing in the hay, dried off, no longer shivering, and chewing his cud. 
      And that my friends is A Day in the Life of Me, the Cowgirl and Farming Wife.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Making Memories: A Colorado Hunting Trip with My Dad

At the end of August of 1997, a 17 year old girl and her dad loaded up a little red Ford Ranger with hunting equipment and camping gear.  Pulling a trailer with a motorcycle and a 4-wheeler, they set off nine hundred miles to the Colorado Mountains.   Specifically, Narraguinnep Mountain and Glade Mountain, north of Dolores, Colorado, in Lone Mesa State Park.  That is the mountain range my family has traveled to for nearly 20 years to hunt big game.  My grandpa, dad, and uncles have killed bear, mule deer, and elk off this mountain and made lasting memories. 
            This particular trip is my graduation gift from my parents: a 10 day hunt for elk and mule deer.  Now it’s my turn to make some memories with my dad!
            The Camp Site: We did not have the luxury of a travel trailer for this.  Instead we had a nice big tent with cots and a small heater and (thankfully) tons of heavy quilts made by my mom.  Thanks mom insisting we take heavy bedding!  My family had used this same tent in the past for camping at various lakes, but it had sat in the shop for a few years.  One thing my dad and I still joke about is what *great shape* it was in, sarcastically of course.  Unfortunately, a rat or mouse had found it and decided to do a little chewing, leaving a few pretty good sized holes in the top.  Being handy, we used duct tape and sealed the holes the best we could, but it wasn’t uncommon to wake up with a few snowflakes on our bedding.  Dad threaten to throw the tent out on the side of the road on the way home but we decided it would be a cruel thing if someone stopped to pick it up, thinking they were getting something nice.   We ate mostly canned foods, granola bars, and cereals.  At the time neither dad nor I were great cooks, so we kept it on the simple side.  We mostly washed up with a rag and bucket of water but I remember once getting to use a camp shower, which was nothing more than a black bag filled with water which was then laid on a pickup hood to warm up.  We also went to town one day, a 30 mile, 1.5 hour trek, and found a place that you could pay to shower.  I think it was $10 per person and worth every penny, especially since it had a real bathroom, and I hadn’t had that luxury for over 5 days!  Enough about that, let’s go hunting!
 Our Campsite
I don't really remember doing much homework while I was there.
            The Hunting:  We were bow hunting.  That means you have to get a lot closer to the animal than with a rifle, which can be a challenge.  The first couple days we did quite a bit of scouting from the ATVs and hiking the beautiful mountains.  One afternoon we happened upon a fire tower that was occupied and they invited us to come up and take a look.  There was a three hundred sixty degree view and you could see for miles and miles.  It was truly breath taking, and using their spotting scope we could see elk grazing on the next mountain. 
            The first large animals I remember seeing was a herd of mule deer.  Doing most of my hunting in central Oklahoma, I had only witnessed whitetail deer in the wild.  Mule deer are definitely different!  These guys were on the run and I could not believe how big they were, not just the antlers but the bodies.  I would have guessed them to be at least twice as big as a whitetail, body wise, darker in color, and the antlers seemed taller and fuller.  I had to whisper to my dad to make sure they were deer and not small elk.  Dad still laughs at my reaction to seeing them! 
Most of my hunting was on the ground, but I do remember dad putting me up in a tree stand once.  It was a giant aspen tree on the edge of a pond.  Dad had seen elk and mule deer from this stand and wanted to give me a chance at one.  I did see some cow elk from this stand, but they were across the pond and never close enough to get a shot at.   My ground hunting spots changed often.  Dad would set me up in a spot he thought was good and he’d go find another spot to hunt, and if it turned out to be a good looking spot or he saw something worth shooting, he’d put me there the next day.  Yep, I have a pretty good dad. 

We also did some stalking.  Dad would put me in a spot and he would walk a big circle trying to run something over me.  I have one very vivid memory of such occurrence, that is, to this day, Dad’s absolute favorite hunting story from our trip to tell.  First we rode our ATVs up to a gate and parked.  I grabbed my bow off the rack and went to the gate, about 20 yards away.  Back in the day there was no such thing as a whisker biscuit or drop away arrow rest.  I had a stick on rest that the arrow sat on, super simple and about as good as it got for hunting way back then.  For some reason dad looked at my bow and noticed that my rest had fallen off, big problem!  It’s really hard to hunt with no arrow rest.  So, we started looking between the gate and the 4-wheeler to see if hopefully it was there and I hadn’t lost it on the road.  Amazingly we found it right next to the 4-wheeler, and I was back in the game.  So, we crossed the gate and dad found a place for me to sit under some brush.  He took off in a circle to see if he could stir up some game.  Well, let’s just say he did!  I don’t remember how long I had sat under that bush but I finally heard something running through the trees.  I sat real still with my arrow nocked on my string in a position I could, hopefully, get a quick shot off if something was close.  Close is an understatement.  I remember there being 3 giant cow elk, if there was more I can’t remember because I was traumatized from my near death experience.  These girls literally jumped over my head!  I was ducking while they were going over.  There was no way to even get a shot off because I would have had to lie on my back and shoot straight up!  I didn’t even need that arrow rest I had lost and found earlier, I could have just held my arrow up and stuck one in the belly as it was flying over my head!  At first, I think dad was worried that I had gotten a hoof to the head but after he saw I was okay he couldn’t quit laughing at the ordeal.  If you remember above I said he would sit me down and walk in a circle to try and “run something over me”, well, those big cow elk were definitely “running over me”. 
The trip home we drove half way and spent the night in a hotel. I remember turning on the TV and seeing the funeral procession for Princess Dianna, who died on August 31, 1997.  We were headed home on September 6, 1997, the day of her funeral, and we had no idea at all that anything had happened.  I know that is an odd thing to remember and tell about but it is amazing how the trip seemed so quick but we had been away from any news for so many days.  It was great to be able to get out in nature and not have a worry in the world.  The first night on the trip home, I got to eat my first tasty hot meal in 10 days, I got to shower in a real bathroom, and I got to sleep in a real bed!  So many things we take for granted.
While neither my dad nor I got to shoot anything, one of the other guys in our group killed a nice bull elk.  Unfortunately I did not get to see the whole animal because he killed it high in the mountains and quartered it and packed it down.  I did get to see the antlers and pose with them for a picture.  I am to this day amazed at how big they are.  It was an amazingly created animal that was put on earth for our enjoyment, whether for hunting and eating or just watching.

  Although neither one got to put a kill shot on a majestic animal, I am thankful I got to spend several days with my dad creating memories that will last forever. 

That was more than worth the trip.